The full name

In vitro

Lambda offers a highly mimetic in vitro skin model for conducting various skin-related tests.
We provide 11 efficacy testing services for skin, leveraging our advanced skin mimicry technology.


Skin regeneration


Skin barrier



In vitro phototoxicity test (OECD TG432)_3T3

Phototoxicity assessment following OECD Test Guideline 432 using the 3T3 cell line to evaluate the potential for phototoxic effects induced by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.

Phototoxicity test – In Vitro 3T3 NRU phototoxicity test

Comparison of cytotoxicityinduced by chemicals under exposure to
non-cytotoxic levels of light versus no exposure to light.

Starting cost
0 +

Assay process

BALB / c3T3 cell culture

Step 1

Testsample treatment
(8 concentrations)

Step 2

Cell culture after UV exposure 

Step 3

Neutral Red assay

Step 4


Cell viability (% Neutral red uptake of dark controls)

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