The full name

In vitro

Lambda offers a highly mimetic in vitro skin model for conducting various skin-related tests.
We provide 11 efficacy testing services for skin, leveraging our advanced skin mimicry technology.


Skin regeneration


Skin barrier




The antioxidant efficacy test for skin assesses the ability of skincare products to provide protection against oxidative stress by measuring their capacity to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative damage.
Positive results indicate the product’s effectiveness in supporting skin health and defending against environmental aggressors.

DPPH radical scavenger assay

DPPH exhibits a strong purple color in its radical state. However, upon receiving electrons or hydrogen from the sample, it undergoes a conversion to a non-radical state, resulting in a decrease in absorbance to yellow.
This transition to 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazine (DPPH-H) serves as an antioxidant indicator, allowing for the evaluation of the sample’s antioxidant capacity.

Starting cost
0 +

Assay process

  • Step 1: Ascorbic acid, recognized as a positive control for antioxidants, was diluted at a 1:10 ratio.
  • Step 2: Dilute DPPH to a concentration of 0.1 mM to prepare it as a reagent for measuring changes in the radical state.
  • Step 3: Expose the sample and DPPH reagent to each other while blocking light for approximately 30 minutes.
  • Step 4: Antioxidant activity is assessed by measuring the extent to which both the positive control group and the sample react with DPPH, resulting in a decrease in absorbance to yellow.


DPPH radical activity(%) data

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