Retina organoids replicate the cellular diversity, tissue architecture, and functional aspects of the natural retina. Featuring diverse cell types, layered organization, and mature photoreceptors, these organoids develop synaptic connections, exhibit light responsiveness, and model various retinal diseases. Serving as a platform for drug testing and gene expression studies, retina organoids offer insights into disease mechanisms and therapeutic interventions.
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)were seeded at a density of 12,000 cells/well. Cells were allowed to aggregateto form an Embryonic Body (EB) structure, inducing growth in treated media. After 18 days of cultivation, 30 organoids were placed in a petri dish, and themedia were exchanged every three days for continued cultivation.
Analysis of Retinal organoid characteristics and similarity to human anatomy
Retina organoid structure
The human retina can be broadlydivided into the Neural Retina and Retinal Pigmented Epithelium. We confirmedthe expression of specific markers present in each layer of the retina in theretinal organoids. Around 25 days of cultivation, the presence of Retinal Ganglion Cells and Bipolar Cell layers was observed, along with the expression of the specific marker Paired Box Protein-6 (Pax6). Furthermore, by observing changes in cell arrangement within the organoid andexamining the marker for photosensitive cells (Recoverin), we confirmed thesimilarity of the produced retinal organoid to human tissue.