The full name


Lambda has developed organoid model for inflammatory diseases.
We offer inflammation organoid model associated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Leaky Gut modeling.

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) refers to a chronic condition characterized by inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation of the intestinal walls.
In Lambda, we provide a solution for evaluating the efficacy of probiotics and drugs in restoring barrier function using a leaky gut model that involves treating inflammatory stimuli to weaken the intestinal barrier caused by inflammatory reactions.

Cell Type


Organoid type

· Intestinal organoid


Inflammatory bowel disease (3D)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) refers to a chronic condition characterized by inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation of the intestinal walls.
In Lambda, we provide a solution for evaluating the efficacy of probiotics and drugs in restoring barrier function using a leaky gut model that involves treating inflammatory stimuli to weaken the intestinal barrier caused by inflammatory reactions.

Leaky gut model

Leaky gut syndrome is an intestinal disease in which bacteria and toxins enter the bloodstream due to a weakened intestinal barrier.
It is mainly caused by an inflammatory response and can be caused by food, intestinal microbial imbalance, and lifestyle habits.

Assay process


Leaky gut modeling immunostaining

Verification that with increasing doses of LPS-dependent treatment, the expression of ZO-1, a tight junction marker, decreased.

Dextran-FITC permeability assay

The restoration of intestinal lining function by the drug was confirmed by observing that dextran did not penetrate into the cells after treatment with the drug.


In the group treated with Lactobacillus, the expression of ZO-1 was comparable to the control group, in contrast to the only LPS treatment group. This confirms the restoration of intestinal function by LPS.

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