
AF solution

Intestinal Organoid_main
Normal Organoid

Intestinal Organoid

Intestinal Organoid_main

  • Intestinal organoids exhibit diverse cell types found in the human intestine, enabling detailed cellular studies.
▶ Exhibit diverse intestinal cell types, enable detailed cellular studies.
  • They can model various intestinal diseases, providing insights into disease mechanisms and potential treatments.
▶ Model intestinal diseases, offer insights into mechanisms, treatments.
  • Intestinal organoids serve as effective models for testing drug efficacy and toxicity relevant to gastrointestinal conditions.
▶ Effective models for testing drug efficacy, toxicity in gastrointestinal conditions.

Product Type
PSC, Intestinal tissue


Inflammatory bowel disease (3D)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) refers to a chronic condition characterized by inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation of the intestinal walls.

Intestinal fibrosis model (3D)

Lambda's Intestinal Fibrosis Model addresses these challenges by leveraging high mimetic human intestinal organoids to create a model of inflammatory bowel diseases.

Probiotic adhesion assay (2D)

Lambda provides a 2D platform for gut attachment and allows for the evaluation of probiotics efficacy through gut attachment analysis.

Host-Microbiome study (3D)

Lambda's highly human-mimicking intestinal organoids enable realistic research on the gastrointestinal system and interactions between cells and microorganisms, serving as a versatile tool for drug development and disease research.

Drug absorption assay(2D)

Lambda provides drug absorption evaluation through drug (sample) permeability analysis using hPSC-derived human functional intestinal epithelial cells (hIEC).

Table of Contents

Generation process of mature human intestinal organoid (hIO)

We have developed highly functional organoids capable of long-term culture by applying our maturation technology to human intestinal organoids (hIO) derived from iPSCs.

Cellular and structural similarity

Our intestinal organoids arecomposed of cells that resemble those of a mature human intestine.

Immunofluorescent staining with a proliferation marker (Ki-67), an epithelial marker (ECAD) and mature intestinal markers (DEFA5, OLFM4, MUC13, and KRT20).

Functional similarity

Previous hIO

Mature hIO

Glucose-induced Ca2+ transients in real-time manner.
Mean values of peak fluorescence intensity by using Fluo-4-AM calcium indicator.

Representative images of the morphological changes after treatment with forskolin.