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International Research Team Achieves First-reported, Complete Vascularization of Organoids on Microfluidic Chip

Researchers at the Interdisciplinary Research Institute of Grenoble (CEA-Irig), CEA-Leti, and other European and Canadian institutes have achieved complete vascularization of organoids on a microfluidic chip, replicating blood flow speeds and rates. This breakthrough significantly improves organoid growth, maturation, and physiological functions, comparable to those observed after transplantation into mice. Published in Nature Communications, the study presents a microfluidic platform integrating functional vascularized organoids-on-chip, addressing a critical challenge in tissue engineering. By self-organizing a vascular network within the chip and trapping organoids containing endothelial cells, researchers created a system mimicking the blood system, facilitating in vitro perfusion of organoids. This advancement not only enhances understanding of biological mechanisms but also holds promise for personalized medicine, regenerative medicine, and pharmacological research.

Keywords: organoids, microfluidic devices, vascularization, personalized medicine

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