The full name

Artificial skin

Utilizing artificially cultured skin models that closely mimic human skin, various skin evaluation tests are conducted, following OECD guidelines.
These models offer an ethical and controlled environment to assess the efficacy, safety, and other properties of skincare or cosmetic products without the need for human or animal experiments.

In vitro eye irritation test (OECD TG492)

Reconstructed human Cornea-like Epithelium (RhCE) test method for identifying chemicals not requiring classification and labelling for eye irritation or serious eyedamage.

Eye irritation test – Artificial cornea

Using the human corneal-like epithelium (RhCE) model, which closely mimics the histological, morphological, biochemical, and physiological characteristics of the human corneal epithelium, the assessment of eye irritation (UN GHS Category 2) or severe eye damage (UN GHS Category 1) is conducted according to UN GHS guidelines.
This evaluation is utilized to assess the toxicity of testsubstances (compounds and mixtures) that do not require classification andlabeling for UN GHS Category 1 (UN GHS No Category).

Starting cost
0 +

Assay process


Relative viability %

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