The full name

Lung organoid

Lung organoids are 3D models that mimic the cellular diversity and functional structures of natural lungs.
They self-organize and can be utilized for disease modeling, providing insights into various lung conditions.
Lung organoids are valuable for drug testing, allowing researchers to assess drug efficacy and potential toxicity.
They can be genetically manipulated for studying specific genes and molecular mechanisms related to lung development and diseases.

Lung organoid


Fibrosis is a disease characterized by repetitive injury and inflammation.
Lambda provides a lung and intestine fibrosis organoid model, enabling drug development and efficacy assessment.

Cell Type



· Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

As a virus-infected model, the
utilization of tonsil, adenoid, and lung organoids allows for the evaluation of antiviral drug efficacy and facilitates virus research.

Cell Type

· iPSC



· Respiratory tract infection
· SARS-COV-2 infection model



Alveolar organoid differentiation protocol
hPSC lung organoid differentiation

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